måndag 31 december 2012

fredag 28 december 2012

Something from nothing - 2

These are a series of self devised quick 2 hour exercises...
(something I came up with to clear my mind and start without a brief)

Step 1 : Catch someone in the studio...lol...

Step 2 : Ask them to make random lines on paper

Step 3 : Stare at the paper... Was quick on this one

Step 4 : Rotate the page... try looking at it from different perspectives

Step 5 : Pick key lines and start giving it form

Step 6 : Once you have a fair enough idea, do some quick photoshop... and VOILA !!

Something from nothing...

These are a series of self devised quick 2 hour exercises...
(something I came up with to clear my mind and start without a brief)

Step 1 : Catch someone in the studio...lol...

Step 2 : Ask them to make random lines on paper

Step 3 : Stare at the paper... In this case, it turned into quite a long process

Step 4 : Rotate the page... try looking at it from different perspectives

Step 5 : Pick key lines and start giving it form

Step 6 : Once you have a fair enough idea, do some quick photoshop... and VOILA !!

måndag 17 december 2012

tisdag 11 december 2012

Space cars

Cheers to 2013

Winner - Michelin Design Challenge 2012

This was a project done at the National Institute of Design, in 2010.
Completely hand made model. Vacuum formed polystyrene, heat bent acrylic, PU Foam detailing, to name a few steps along the way.

This project helped me win the All India Automobile Design Challenge in 2011 and the Michelin Challenge Design in 2012 and was exhibited at the Detroit Auto Show 2012.

lördag 17 november 2012

KTM - rear view

The rear suspension works on magnetic levitation. Of course, the roads needs to be embedded with electromagnets to make this possible. But, 30 years on, we may have developed sustainable energy and this could become reality...

lördag 27 oktober 2012

More artwork on my KTM...

This is like a massive sculpture of the bike in a museum or somethin...

onsdag 24 oktober 2012

Interior refinement...

Been working on the interiors... something that goes with the theme of the interactive car... And of course, bucket seats dont make the cut unfortunately :P
Here is something that seems to be leading towards the final concept. Been thinking of safety aspects as well here.

måndag 22 oktober 2012

söndag 21 oktober 2012

Rendering Exercise

This was more of a photoshop rendering exercise, over a failed watercolor painting... 

Initial sketches

This was one of the initial sketches that led to the hypercar development...

lördag 20 oktober 2012

Pour me ELECTRIC !!!

The Electric Hypercar...
Phew... taking time, this project. Whenever I get time off from school work...

More to follow...

måndag 8 oktober 2012

My first post on a blog...
And what better way than to start with an Alfa Romeo...
One of the art pieces from a recent sketch project at school